World Help: Forest, VA
Love in Action
In 2017 I designed a brochure to correspond with World Helps theme for the year: Love in Action. This served as the feature piece for our bi-annual summit as an overview of the key initiatives and projects for the year and as a sales piece for our donor advocate team.
Services Provided:
Logo Development
Visual Identity and Discovery
Lettering and Iconography
Photo Editing
Final Love in Action Brochure

Love in Action Logomark
Insertable Fact Sheet and Iconography
Love in Action Sketches and Logo Exploration

Impact 2016
In 2016, I designed this brochure to convey World Help’s key focus programs for the year. It served as a high level overview of the many facets we are involved in as an organization while setting our goal for 2016: to impact over 3 million people around the world.
Services Provided:
Logo Development
Visual Identity and Discovery
Lettering and Iconography
Photo Editing
Final Impact 2016 Brochure

World Help: Forest, VA
Miscellaneous Booklets and Brochures
Over the years with World Help, I’ve made a series of different booklets and brochures to align with different topics and campaigns. Here are a few highlights.
Services Provided:
Logo Development
Visual Identity and Discovery
Lettering and Iconography
Digital Illustration
Photo Editing
World Help Brand Book
Global Refugee Booklet
World Help Cuba Project Booklet
Final Brochure with Insertable Pricing Sheet and DVD

Annual Kingdom Partner Updates: 2013-2016
Kingdom Partner Update Covers
Kingdom Partner Iconography
Vocational School Icons and Illustrations
Destiny Cover Badge Sketches
World Help Strategic Growth Blueprint, Feature Spreads, and Illustrations